所有的律師會計師都會講,最容易的偷稅方法是,辦一個可以報schedule C 的獨資公司。IRS很難分得清你花的錢是私用的還是給公司用的。2009 IRS收到2000萬份schedules C, 消費達$1萬2千億。除了買東西,你還可以合法地給家裏人發工資,無論是八十老人還是中小學生。有一CPA講,他看見有人給3歲的孩童發工資。
So what’s the easiest way to cheat on your taxes?
Run your own company. More specifically, as Greg Kyte, a Utah C.P.A., puts it, be the sole proprietor of a Schedule C business. Then you can buy stuff for yourself and probably write it off as a business expense. “You can look through your receipts for the year and say, ‘Here’s some stuff I bought at Home Depot,’ ” says Kyte (who, for the record, says he never does this). “The I.R.S. would have no idea if I bought that for my house or for my business.” There were more than 20 million Schedule C returns filed in 2009, with receipts of more than $1.2 trillion.
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Upstanding Schedule C filers have options, too. They can legally write off payment for office work done by family members, even if they’re in middle school. “I’ve seen people with infant children claiming that their kids are doing work,” says Howard Rosen, a St. Louis-based C.P.A. “I’m talking about a 3-year-old doing filing,” Rosen says. “He didn’t even know the alphabet.”