下麵好多人讓我存銀行CD,我存了,利率大概就是年4.5左右, 我想問問還有無其他更好的投資法。 錢一時半會我可能不用, 想收益再高點。 鞠躬拜謝。
basic situation:
middle age couple 40+, have a house with the mortage $400K in U.S., have a very small house in Beijing (good location, very small, very expensive location), have 1M RMB in chinese bank. What should I invest in China?
Because of the working condition, we might go back and forth between Beijing and USA very frequently. The house in beijing is very small, not enough for living if the entire household go back to china. But we don't have much money (1M RMB is much less enough for buying) to buy another house in beijing. What should we do for this 1M RMB?
Thank you very much for financial experts here in advance!