Get her involved in your life. Help her to channel her energy into to something meaningful and productive.
Clearly you are very successful with your career: being the provider for your family and run successful business. You are busy and you are enjoying your work.
In your blog, you mentioned what she doesn’t do, but not a work on what she does or enjoy doing. Being a full time housewife can be lots of work. To make it even worse, it comes with no salary. If her effort gets no appreciation from you, she will lose her interest in doing anything.
You mentioned that lots of people here are career women that hold jobs while raise families. The truth is, that kind of life is not as sexy and romantic as you think. Jobs with high pay and little stress may exist, but I haven’t found one yet. I work in a one of the biggest tech company in the world, I can’t remember how many times I wish that I have someone to take care of me and I could just quit my job. One big price my family has pay, for me to hold on to a tough job, is the family life. Messy house, tasteless foods, missed birthday parties and school events, and all the sports activities.
You have the luxury to have your wife to be a stay home mom, cherish your good fortune. Get your wife involved in your life and discuss with her about how you want to run business, appreciate her effort in providing you a good family life. You will see a big in her attitude towards you.