Yes, the heat pump is fixed now. I gave her space heaters and le

fireplace. Her unit is always warm (at least 67F). The heat pump is not broken. It's the issue of the breaker. It first tripped on 1/27. The installer visited once on Feb 1st, and checked and didnt' find any issue. He just flipped the breaker back. The breaker tripped again after a week. I called the installer again. That company was dissolved at that time, and the partners tried to let the other party to take care. That took me a while to get hold of them. I did flip the breaker for her, and asked her to let me know if it happened again. She didn't let me known the issue since then. I visited her place in a couple of times and saw she was using the space heaters and fireplace, and the rooms were warm. Finally, the contractor came back on March 3rd to do a solid testing of the whole system, and fixed the breaker on March 8th.

With my situation above, I did provide space heaters when the heat pump breaker not working. Do you see any issue that I might have?


you be fine... -jy101- 給 jy101 發送悄悄話 jy101 的博客首頁 (423 bytes) () 03/10/2012 postreply 15:54:51
