There is no 偽投資 and 真投資.

回答: 富爸爸對窮爸爸說: 買"偽投資" LOL天下多蚤2012-03-07 17:15:25

It pops from someone has no understanding of investments.

For example, is stock a 真投資? What if the company does not produce enough profit and stock value is negative?

Is real estate a 真投資? What if one buys a rental house that he can not rent out with high enough positive return to cover mortgages and expenses?

Is gold a 偽投資 because it does not produce cash flow? duh, central banks lease out their gold to bullion banks for a profit for ages. So central banks do not produce profit from their "dead" gold? In history, gold smith lend out their gold to people who need money and charge them interests. So you say it is not 真投資?

Now you might say gold is not money so it can not lend out today. Really?!! I can lend out my gold to a trusted friend who can then 抵押 the gold to banks for a loan to set up a business. He pays me interests. Is this 真投資 or 偽投資?

So this 偽投資/真投資 term is nonsense. Read Adam Smith and David Ricardo's book to understand the definition of money. Heck, they wrote almost 200 years ago.
