1. annuity, some annuity offers 10% bonus, and guarantee 5% a year, but you can't withdraw principle for 7+ more years. now, I personally don't care much annuity products, but it is a underwriting product guarantee by your state to some extend, unlike regular life insurance, only up to certain amount, most states guarantee only 100k, while on most life insurance policy, state guarantee up to face value(not cash value).
2. corp bonds, I don't care on them either, I talk to a Merrill lynch adviser once, I think they offer a floating bond, with a guarantee of 5%? ( do we have any Merrill Lynch people here??? to confirm???), but its not FDIC insured.
3. stocks, easy way just buy index fund. or if you think you better than 95% of trader, go for it yourself..,
4. REIT, some REIT offer dividend high as 20% a year, but I don't think that can last forever.
5. hardmoney lender, usually with first lien against property you loan to, high risk, can fail miserably.
6. Landlord, haha, like all other biz, 90% failure rate. can easily achieve 10% return.
omg, can't believe I actually wrote all these on my phone....
many options, nothing easy..
本帖於 2012-03-02 06:42:37 時間, 由普通用戶 jy101 編輯
回複:Thanks, JY101. It's 4% guaranteed with 10% capped.
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03/01/2012 postreply