Jeff Berwick 有位朋友,是位Chinese lady.
2007年底,這位女士賣了房子,友人Jeff Berwick建議她全數買入黃金,那時金價750美元上下。
這位女士在專業人士的勸阻下,沒有買金,資金交給了那位financial advisor.
The Fear of Gold
Near the end of 2007 a good friend of mine who had been wanting to sell her house called me. I had been telling her for a few months to sell her house and buy gold because a big housing crash was coming.
She said she had received a good offer for her house and checked with me to make sure I was certain about her selling, buying gold with the proceeds, and renting for a few years. I told her, emphatically, yes.
So she sold her house. At the time gold was around $750 per ounce. We fell out of touch for a few years and she contacted me last year around when gold was near $2,000 per ounce. I smiled when she called, waiting for her to tell me about the fortune she made.
"So?" I asked, waiting for the exhaltation.
"What?" she also asked, confused.
"How'd that trade work out for you?" I asked.
"Oh. Well I sold the house. And I put the funds into my brokerage account with my (government registered) financial advisor," she responded.
My heart sank. I knew what she was going to say.
He talked her out of it. He said putting all her assets into gold was far too risky. Where in the government training manuals does it tell you to even own any gold!
She got worried too and less than a year after selling, under pressure from her old Chinese parents, bought another house. It was a bit cheaper but after transaction and moving costs it was a loss.