In my state, no state income tax, about 1% property tax
SFH, built in 2000's ,1200Sqft, 3 bed rooms/2 bath rooms, sale price about $75000, no HOA fee, rent about $900.
SFH, built in 70-80's, 1100 Sqft, 3 BR/1 or 1.5 Bath, sale price $55K, no HOA fee, rent $750-$850
Condo, built in 2000's, 1200 sqft, 2 br and 2 or 2.5 bath. sale price 55k to 65k,condo fee 75-100/month, rent $750-$850
townhome (like duplex, but only own one side) built in 80's, 1200 sqft, 2 br and 2 or 2.5 bath, no HOA fee, sale price 40k-45k, rent $700-$800