在麻州,對方的律師剛發給我一個P&S DRAFT讓我們和律師REVIEW。 隨附了一份原房主賣給現房主(賣家)時的一個DEED,上麵寫的是QUITCLAIM DEED。(原房主是一個去世的老人的幾個子女,他們把房子賣給了一個開發商)
我在網上大致搜索了一下QUITCLAIM的信息,發現QUITCLAIM相對於WARRENTY DEED來說,有一定風險。可問了一下這邊的律師,好像說在這兒又很普遍。下麵摘自網上:
a warranty deed, which guarantees that the grantor owns title, and the quitclaim deed, which transfers only that interest in the real property which the grantor actually has. The only type of deed that creates "liability by reason of covenants of warranty" as to matters of record is a general warranty deed. A quit claim deed contains no warranties and the seller doesn't have liability to the buyer for other recorded claims on the property. The purchaser takes the property subject to existing taxes, assessments, liens, encumbrances, covenants, conditions, restrictions, rights of way and easements of record.