新手買房出租,想請教各位達人:在簽署Lease Agreement時要填寫Landload information,請問我該給租客留我的家庭住址嗎?這樣安全嗎?
--No. Just fill your own company name, or your name, that's it.
如果我不想留我家庭住址的話,該填哪兒呢?另外,有關emergency contact information, 該填誰呢?朋友嗎?萬分感謝各位回複!
-- Emergency contact infor is your cell phone, if it asks your emergency information.
-- Usually it should be filled by the renter, not you.
-- Sounds like your Lease Agreement form is not a good one.
-- You really do not have fill all those junk information of yourself. Go google another form.
-- You are the owner, if the form is not good for you, forget it, find a better one.
-- Business is Business. 別太書生氣.