There are two formula in excel spreadsheet you can use.

Payment: PMT(rate, nper, pv, fv, type) e.g. PMT(0.04/12, 360, 200000,0,0)

4% interest rate, 30 years (360 payment) and 200000 loan amount.


Interest Payment: IPMT(rate, per, Nper, Pv, Fv), e.g. IPMT(0.04/12, 12, 360, 200000, 0)

12 is the 12th month or the end of first year.

The principle paid that month is PMT - IPMT and the ending balance is:

Total loan amount - (PMT - IPMT), e.g. 200000 - (PMT - IPMT).

You can build a spreadsheet like this:

Year Payment Index Interest Principle Payment Principle
Interest Rate 4.000% 0.08 1 ($666.67) ($288.16) ($954.83)    199,711.84
Term 360 0.17 2 ($665.71) ($289.12) ($954.83)    199,422.71
Loan Amount  $      200,000 0.25 3 ($664.74) ($290.09) ($954.83)    199,132.62
  0.33 4 ($663.78) ($291.06) ($954.83)    198,841.57
5 Year Int. ($38,185) 0.42 5 ($662.81) ($292.03) ($954.83)    198,549.54
10 Year Int. ($72,148) 0.50 6 ($661.83) ($293.00) ($954.83)    198,256.54
15 Year Int. ($100,955) 0.58 7 ($660.86) ($293.98) ($954.83)    197,962.57
20 Year Int. ($123,468) 0.67 8 ($659.88) ($294.96) ($954.83)    197,667.61
30 Year Int. ($143,739) 0.75 9 ($658.89) ($295.94) ($954.83)    197,371.67
0.83 10 ($657.91) ($296.93) ($954.83)    197,074.75
0.92 11 ($656.92) ($297.91) ($954.83)    196,776.83
1.00 12 ($655.92) ($298.91) ($954.83)    196,477.93


試了一下。好用。謝謝 -覺覺- 給 覺覺 發送悄悄話 覺覺 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/07/2012 postreply 15:09:43
