去年11月剛剛接手一個五家庭,原來房東住在哪裏,提供免費洗衣(no coin op),有一原女租客帶一對小孩,一直在使用這洗衣機, 也隻有這一家在用, 新租客的都沒有提供,但由於發現這洗衣機是連在原房東的電箱上, 現在已租給新租客, 所以通知了這個租客停止使用洗衣機,她問是什麽理由,我解釋給她聽由於原來是房東的點和水,現在變成了另外的租客,it is not fare if you still using it, we might think to put the coin op in, but don't know when. 她也沒有提出任何提議,今天剛剛收到一月份的租金, 打開一看發現少了一百大元, 另有一封公正了的信,“I would like to inform you that the amount of $100 has been deducted from the rent payment, the laundry wasn't accessible since December, 2011, as per agreement with the previous landlord, I pay $1000 for my rent and $100 for the laundry, therefore, you will be receiving the amount of $1000 beginning January, 2012..."
我想會一封信給她,第一,讓她證明她和以前的房東有合同, 第二,發出終止她的TAW合同,給她30天,讓她搬走。請大家指點。謝了!