
在Residential Area買了一地,開始要造房子出租了。

Normally, we will ask a builder to do it, this will take at least 6 months 

to finish the project. I heard that there is a pre-build program that can build a house in less 

than 1 month with price less than normal case ( about 1/2 to 2/3).

有pre-build program這方麵的experience嗎?



回複:新年好,一個關於造房子的問題。 -leappad- 給 leappad 發送悄悄話 leappad 的博客首頁 (24 bytes) () 01/02/2012 postreply 05:23:27

google pre-fab -jy101- 給 jy101 發送悄悄話 jy101 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/02/2012 postreply 07:42:21

謝謝你們. -peopleman- 給 peopleman 發送悄悄話 peopleman 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/02/2012 postreply 09:02:22

Per-fab 隻省了一點frame人工,其它差不多,款式會受限製,總價不會少那麽多 -梁山sl- 給 梁山sl 發送悄悄話 梁山sl 的博客首頁 (39 bytes) () 01/02/2012 postreply 22:34:37
