AVGO just annouced 4 more customers, beyond 60-90B ...

that they previous annouced, stock up 25 point


XPU to start shipping earlier than expected -三心三意- 給 三心三意 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/06/2025 postreply 14:12:58

expect additional 60B-90B from 4 more customers -三心三意- 給 三心三意 發送悄悄話 (42 bytes) () 03/06/2025 postreply 14:31:37

Additional 60B-90B from 4 more customers? that's too much, -Austin8- 給 Austin8 發送悄悄話 (60 bytes) () 03/06/2025 postreply 17:21:37
