Starmer announces:coalition to guarantee Ukraine peace

Starmer announces 'coalition of the willing' to guarantee Ukraine peace



每次老川有一個新的計劃就會遭到很多人的反對。覺得他瘋了?他是壞人自私,。。。。實際上 -MarkM76- 給 MarkM76 發送悄悄話 (3989 bytes) () 03/02/2025 postreply 13:21:59

You certainly know your president! :-D -越挫越勇2- 給 越挫越勇2 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/02/2025 postreply 13:29:36

哈哈 -MarkM76- 給 MarkM76 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/02/2025 postreply 13:43:29

"seek to involve the US in their support" 看到這裏就知道這是嘴炮 -三心三意- 給 三心三意 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/02/2025 postreply 13:56:47

They just want to force Trump’s hand! Don’t take the bait -雲遮歸途- 給 雲遮歸途 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/02/2025 postreply 14:12:05
