chatGPT 說可以不給

For takeout orders, tipping is generally optional, but it's a nice gesture to show appreciation for the staff who prepare and package your food. Here's a general guideline:

Standard Takeout Tip Guide

No tip (0%) – If there was no extra service beyond basic food prep.
5-10% – If the staff took extra care in packaging, double-checking the order, or providing good service.
10-15% – If they went above and beyond, such as accommodating special requests or handling a large or complicated order.
15-20% – If it's a small, local business struggling financially or if you just want to support the staff.

While you don’t have to tip for takeout like you would for dine-in service, $1-$5 is always appreciated, especially for smaller businesses or during busy hours.

Would you like advice for tipping in other situations, like delivery or counter service?
