Deep ITM Leap 還有一個好處, 就是不像2x/3x那樣decay

本帖於 2025-01-23 07:17:34 時間, 由普通用戶 三心三意 編輯
回答: Deep ITM leap call is a way to play 2x/3x三心三意2025-01-23 07:01:17

Let's use same example of stock at $100. If you buy its 2x ETF, let's say the 2x ETF is at $40

When stock drop 30% ($100 to $70), your 2x will drop 60%, so $40 becomes $16.

Now, stock rallies 40% to come back  ($70 to $100), your 2x will rally 80%, but it can only come to $29. ($16 to $29)

In this example, even though the stock does not move, your 2x lost 33% of the value.

Deep ITM leap does not suffer from this kind of decay

