兒科癌症研究的錢也被砍掉了,目的是為富人減稅,Elon is the grift.

回答: 這次議案的意義被低估了wave12342024-12-21 07:27:22


The pediatric cancer community was "devastated" after a flurry of bills that would have reauthorized funding for pediatric cancer research were pulled from a spending bill this week, Nancy Goodman, the founder and executive director of the advocacy group Kids v Cancer, told Newsweek.

"I was just devastated, to be honest. The pediatric cancer community has spent 15 years to get to this point. This is the most significant bundle of pediatric cancer bills ever to be considered in Congress," she said.


Fake news! -wave1234- 給 wave1234 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/21/2024 postreply 07:40:31

你的意思是,砍掉的都是grift,這屬於循環邏輯, -lexm5- 給 lexm5 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/21/2024 postreply 07:44:03
