that is probably why 顏陽 has her plan to leave in <1 yr
my reading of the chart
1. it sits at histoical high ($500B margin debt, FOMO)
2. the slope is changing into positive
that is probably why 顏陽 has her plan to leave in <1 yr
my reading of the chart
1. it sits at histoical high ($500B margin debt, FOMO)
2. the slope is changing into positive
還沒有,2021十月真正的MARGIN 935B,現在815B。考慮股市漲,市場壓力還沒到極限。市場如跌15%應該會有大
(181 bytes)
12/01/2024 postreply
Got it. great to learn from you! it is the net margin debt
(1154 bytes)
12/01/2024 postreply
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