一種測量動能的方法是BID提供的RS, 測量一隻股票在12月內與大盤指數回報的關係,比大盤回報越高,其RS指數就越高。這個RS是IBD獨家的與平時到處可查到的RS, 完全不是一回事。當然RS是建立在曆史數據上的,雖然有慣性,但也必須與其他基本麵相結合才行。
轉:In the context of Investor’s Business Daily (IBD), Relative Strength (RS) refers to how a stock’s performance compares to the rest of the market over a specific period, usually 12 months. The Relative Strength Rating is a key IBD metric that ranks stocks on a scale from 1 to 99, with 99 being the highest. A stock with a high RS Rating is outperforming most other stocks. IBD often looks for stocks with an RS Rating of 80 or higher when identifying strong candidates for investment.