別自作聰明,瞎折騰了!今年五分之四的Active Funds 都輸給了S&P500

回答: 嗬嗬,那為什麽昨天大漲不賣?槍迷球迷2024-09-20 08:28:06

According to Morningstar, during the first half of 2024, only 18.2% of actively managed mutual funds and exchange-traded funds that have the cap-weighted S&P 500 index as a benchmark outperformed it. That’s down from the 19.8% for all of 2023. Over the past decade, an annual average of only 27.1% of actively managed funds benchmarked to the S&P 500 outperformed it.  -- Barron's


個人散戶隻會更差,因為在人力,物力,信息,算力,速度,技術等方麵都比不過Active Funds。

隻有一招,可以打敗花街Active Trading Funds,那就是:長期定投! One ring to rule them all.
