1. 1992 Election (Bill Clinton vs. George H.W. Bush vs. Ross Perot)
- 3 Presidential Debates
- 1 Vice Presidential Debate
2. 1996 Election (Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole)
- 2 Presidential Debates
- 1 Vice Presidential Debate
3. 2000 Election (George W. Bush vs. Al Gore)
- 3 Presidential Debates
- 1 Vice Presidential Debate
4. 2004 Election (George W. Bush vs. John Kerry)
- 3 Presidential Debates
- 1 Vice Presidential Debate
5. 2008 Election (Barack Obama vs. John McCain)
- 3 Presidential Debates
- 1 Vice Presidential Debate
6. 2012 Election (Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney)
- 3 Presidential Debates
- 1 Vice Presidential Debate
7. 2016 Election (Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton)
- 3 Presidential Debates
- 1 Vice Presidential Debate
8. 2020 Election (Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden)
- 2 Presidential Debates (One debate was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
- 1 Vice Presidential Debate