3月拒絕後,AMD再次拒絕BENCHMARK測試其AI晶片性能。女大和英特爾都參加了 測評。

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No.1 NVIDIA , No2 Intel. AMD一再宣稱其AI芯片性能超過女大為什麽不敢參加第3方評比測試。


AMD Rejects Tiny Corp’s Request of Benchmarking Instinct MI300X AI Accelerator On MLPerf, Raising New Questions

Muhammad Zuhair 815
AMD Rejects TinyCorp's Request of Benchmarking Instinct MI300X AI Accelerator On MLPerf, Raising New Questions 1

AMD has declined the request of the AI startup Tiny Corp to put the Instinct MI300X AI accelerator on the MLPerf benchmarks.

AMD Shows Reluctance With Instinct MI300X AI Accelerators & Its Performance, Rejects Benchmarking Request

AMD's journey in the AI industry has been a roller coaster ride, and they are eager to achieve a breakthrough yet are restricted for multiple reasons. Despite having one of the most potent AI product lineups, AMD hasn't managed to attract market attention, well at least on the same level as NVIDIA but much better than what Intel has so far procured, where the obvious reasons include the inclination towards NVIDIA, but that isn't everything.

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The whole Tiny Corp-AMD fiasco has shown that Team Red seems reluctant to cater to clientele interests. Despite multiple attempts by Tiny Corp to promote AMD's products, the chipmaker always takes a step back.


A few days ago, Tiny Corp offered AMD to put their Instinct MI300X AI accelerators on the next round of MLPerf benchmarks for a million dollars and two units of the AI GPUs. For those unaware, the MLPerf is an industry-standard benchmark suite designed to measure the performance of AI products, especially accelerators. The important thing about them is that they are transparent, similar to PC counterparts like 3DMark. Hence, they are deemed important in the eyes of potential customers of an AI product.

As of right now, NVIDIA's AI accelerators remain at the top in MLPerf while Intel's Gaudi chips are the only benchmarked alternative, showcasing relatively strong perf/$.



However, AMD might have shown reluctance to upload MLPerf benchmarks for its Instinct MI300X AI accelerators, invalidating the GPU's claims to be superior to competitor alternatives. To top it all off, Team Red decided to reject Tiny Corp's request as well, showing that something is wrong in the firm's camp, whether it is their reluctance to showcase the capabilities of their product or AMD has something under the covers that they won't like to be disclosed for now.

Image Source: AMD

This isn't just it; we won't go into how AMD hasn't managed to compete with NVIDIA's CUDA despite seeing a huge market gap, but there's a lot to talk about the firm's approach. Recently, AMD's Executive VP & GM of Data Center Solutions Business Group, Forrest Norrod, claimed that the firm has adjusted its AI roadmap in light of NVIDIA's "push to the accelerator," which shows that for now, the company looks more focused towards the hardware side of things, rather than creating the right ecosystem, which NVIDIA has already done successfully.


It will be interesting to see how AMD moves in the future, given that the firm is slacking in multiple areas but in AMD's defense, we must state that asking straight up for a million dollars is a bit absurd. Regardless, with the recent Computex keynote, AMD did show optimism about how things are moving, so we can only wait and watch.

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INTEL的AI芯片由台機電做,洋相出得更大。INTEL是破罐子摔破了,最後一名也無所 謂,所以敢參賽。AMD不同 -扮句多- 給 扮句多 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/28/2024 postreply 10:16:55



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