Ling Cui: The wife of Dr. Xiulu Ruan has claimed 50 percent of marital assets, arguing that she worked full-time to support her husband during his medical studies and that she made "significant contribution to her husband's professional success and accumulation of family wealth." Her claim asserts that marital assets include the 17 exotic cars seized from Ruan; half interest in JAX leasing and the commercial property it owns on Leroy Stevens Road; a company first known as Southern Exotic Club LLC and later as XLR Exotic Auto LLC; numerous bank accounts associated with PPSA and C&R Pharmacy; and a west Mobile home that also is the subject of a claim by Capital One. On May 11, prosecutors made a motion to dismiss the petition "with prejudice due to lack of standing and legal insufficiency." In a footnote, prosecutors say Cui "fails to mention" in the petition that Ruan filed for divorce from her in 2011 and that "It appears that, at least since the divorce was filed, Cui and Ruan have not lived together as husband and wife and that she has not been a resident of the State of Alabama for some time. Said divorce proceedings are still pending."
這好像沒道理,already commingled marital asset should consider some for
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06/15/2024 postreply
some form of distribution
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06/15/2024 postreply