居士能算一下,如果加上2次大跌,一次跌 77% 另一次 8年後 跌 54% 的話,你的 return 是什麽樣的?

回答: 矽穀居士2024-05-11 11:10:32

如果你有3萬的時候 跌 70% 剩 9千(但是你pay遠遠高於這個數,跌的就是小意思),跟你如果有 300萬跌 70% 剩 90萬,感覺非常非常不一樣。如果你有 2400萬 跌 70% 剩下 720萬,對於過去苦日子過來的人,想得開的,720萬也非常好了。想不開的對於白白跌掉的 1600多萬 就會有跳樓的了 鬼臉

Dot-com bubble of 1999-2000The NASDAQ peaked at 5,048.62 points on March 10. The index would go on to plummet by 76.81% until it reached a low of 1,139.90 points on Oct. 4, 2002. The primary cause of this crash was overvalued internet stocks.

it kept rising, to 14,164 points on Oct. 9, 2007 -- but by September 2008, the major stock indexes had lost almost 20% of their value. The Dow didn't reach its lowest point, which was 54% below its peak, until March 6, 2009. It then took four years for the Dow to fully recover from the crash.
