I'm just the opposite

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回答: 我為什麽要旅遊老朽2024-05-04 08:56:22

I like reading and dislike traveling. Reading is an efficient way to save time. Whenever there's spare time or waiting time, I'd read from my Ereader. At night, I listen to the same audiobook to go to sleep. I read Cliff's Notes also, like a high school student does, when the novel itself is hard to understand, such as Faust or the Magic Mountain. I read Economist and the New Yorker magazines too, for free, from Barns'Noble. And newspapers like NYT, Washington Post daily from my phone.

It's another story about traveling. I only travel domestically and only when it's needed. I don't go anywhere out of the town unless my children need to be dropped off/picked up at summer music camps or art workshops. It's tiresome to fly so I only drive. Driving saves money and time, believe it or not. There's no layover or delay, only traffic jams occasionally.

Traveling overseas is a total waste of money, and quite a struggle unless you get onto a full service cruise. You don't need to lift up a finger there. Anyway, I won't even do that because it's very costly, let alone travel by myself. 

I'd rather be at my own home reading a book or browsing internet than hopping on a flight.
