從兩個月前,斷斷續續買了同一種科技股指數。這段時間股市跌,沒忍住,最後一次買是4月19號。但是這個月忽然需要用錢,需要的金額正好是把所有持有科技股指數賣掉的錢。看趨勢不一定會盈利。如果要避免wash sale,是不是隻能5月20號之後賣?用的是vanguard,一般賣完之後多久能錢到賬?
What Is a Wash Sale?
A wash sale is a transaction in which an investor sells or trades a security at a loss and purchases "a substantially similar one" 30 days before or 30 days after the sale.1 This is a rule enacted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to prevent investors from using capital losses to their advantage at tax time. The wash sale rule applies to stocks, contracts, options, and all other types of securities and trading.