1. 買一兩個absolute NNN properties tenanted to brand names' restuarant with 15 or 20 years lease- predicable, fixed income every month-- at least $300,000 yearly income 家用. No headache to deal with tenants. Monthly fixed and predicable future income every month, plus real estate appreciation in the futere. So, 保本,增值,固定收入 all in one investment.
2. 再重複一遍, 隻買穿衣吃飯股,安心。不用冒險買大起大落的科技股。 我發現有錢和老錢的家庭, 是以treasury bond and reits 為主,保值為主。
3. 如果堅持下來, 長期的話, 錢花不完,不是擔心沒錢花。