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The lipstick effect is the theory that when facing an economic crisis consumers will be more willing to buy less costly luxury goods.[1] Instead of buying expensive purses and fur coats, for example, people will buy expensive cosmetics, such as high-end brands of lipstick.[2] The underlying assumption is that a certain portion of consumers will still buy luxury goods even during a bad economy. When consumer trust in the economy is dwindling, consumers will buy goods that have less impact on their available funds. Outside the cosmetics market, consumers might be tempted to purchase other high-end goods such as expensive beers, or smaller, less costly electronic gadgets.

口紅效應(Lipstick Effect)是指在經濟不景氣時期,人們減少了在昂貴奢侈品上的消費,而轉向購買價格較為便宜、能滿足一定心理需求的商品,如口紅、化妝品等。
