如果公司提供401K,TIRA 有可能不能免稅,我的理解對嗎?

回答: Roth IRA backdoor 不一定適合每一個人blue_valley2024-01-09 12:47:24

If you (or your spouse) have an employer-sponsored retirement plan, the tax-deductible portion of your IRA contribution may be limited. 


Filing Status: Married Filing Jointly - You Participate in a retirement plan at work
?Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Allowable Deduction
$116,000 or less  A full deduction up to the lesser of $6,500 ($7,500 if you're 50 or older) of your taxable compensation
Between $116,000 and $136,000  A partial deduction based on your MAGI
$136,000 or more   No deduction 

