Fidelity 裏有幾年的traditional IRA 忘了轉去backdoor Roth IRA, 打算年初一並轉去backdoor Roth IRA, file 2023 的tax. 但是注意到Fidelity 裏顯示2023 IRA contribution $0 left.
First, don't call it "backdoor ROTH IRA". It is just normal ROTH IRA conversion.
1. Fidelity 裏麵針對IRA limit 不是針對backdoor IRA. Yes or no?
2. 隻要file8066,可以轉more than 1x traditional IRA 去back door Roth IRA. Yes or no?
You can convert unlimited amount in your traditional IRA to ROTH IRA. No matter your tradtional IRA was tax deductible or not. You can convert all of your tradtional IRA account balance, contribution over multiple years, over to ROTH IRA in one single conversion.