此人說三號不交房租改成九號 又說9號交不了要改成16號 我想了想決定驅逐。我把事情給我的鄰居講了 他是退休的Marshall. 他給我說要驅逐 因為這個人 is playing you now.
我們這裏現在真的不太好找租客 就因為這個我才容忍了她兩個月找渣。 所以決定驅逐。
她開始口氣很硬 I have a doctors note stating that I was sick and you threatening me with eviction isn't gonna make my check come any faster but if you feel like you need to evict me, you can go ahead because I will show up in court with all of my documents, including how you disregarded a legal letter and about the leak in the lease and the disrespect so that's on you。 ( 其中說的letter的事情 是說她的狗的問題 我以前的帖子有)然後她說 I can either pay in full on the 16th or I'll see you in court。
我沒有回複。 然後昨天晚上她說“Please just let me pay my rent on the 16th I didn’t get sick on purpose. I will pay it it’s not like I’m just not gonna pay it. I have been communicating with you about it. So please just let me pay it and don’t do an eviction ”
我沒有回複。 今天中午下班我去Marshall office 填寫了5 days notice , 花了$30 讓警察把單子今天送過去。 (我可以自己去送,免費的。 但我決定花錢。 警察去給她心裏壓力)
然後剛才她又短信給我 “So you’re not gonna let me pay rent? ”
我以前答應她9號付。 今天是8號。 但她這幾天的短信已經明確表示這周她不會付款。 所以我今天evict我也不覺得不妥當。 而且走到這一步我也不會再回頭, 明日就算她付款,我留下水費,房租也會退回。