鑒於最近大家都在談論退休的事,在此,強烈推薦一本在退休財務規劃方麵最好的書(沒有之一),是Wade Pfau所著的Retirement Planning Guidebook,最新版是2023年出版的第二版:
Chapter 1: Retirement Income Styles and Decisions
Chapter 2: Retirement Risks
Chapter 3: Quantifying Goals and Assessing Preparedness
Chapter 4: Sustainable Spending from Investments [Summarizes How Much Can I Spend in Retirement?]
Chapter 5: Annuities and Risk Pooling [Summarizes Safety-First Retirement Planning]
Chapter 6: Social Security
Chapter 7: Medicare and Health Insurance
Chapter 8: Long-Term Care Planning
Chapter 9: Housing Decisions in Retirement [Summarizes Reverse Mortgages and adds new content]
Chapter 10: Tax Planning for Efficient Retirement Distributions
Chapter 11: Legacy and Incapacity Planning
Chapter 12: The Non-Financial Aspects of Retirement Success
Chapter 13: Putting it All Together
內容包括社保、醫保、Annuity、Long Term Care等。 我個人最感興趣的是第十章,主要講Taxable Account、IRA、Roth IRA等不同稅率賬號取錢順序的分析。
對已經退休的,或者正在規劃退休的, 強烈建議讀一讀這本書,否則是跟自己過不去。讀完這本書後,基本上你再不需要向別人問任何退休財務有關的問題。
建寧 2023/11/6