取決於個人。另一位朋友是專業投資者 He put in maximum to Roth each year

來源: goingplaces 2023-08-27 21:13:51 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1144 bytes)
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Trade profits from Roth are tax free.  His Roth grows 30 to 50% a year from trading.

If you ask,  he is putting 50% of his LIQUID investable assets on 13 to 26 weeks T Bills at this moment.  The other 50% have also 50% (meaning 25% of total LIQUID investable assets) on 52 weeks T Bills.  At the moment he only uses 25% of total LIQUID investable assets for trading.

All T Bills are held at brokerage accounts so if needed can immediately cash out for stock trading needs.

Meanwhile he is preparing to get rid of his remaining rental properties which are bought in 2008-2009 under the premise of "diversification"  but he hates to be a landlord, much prefers to be a stock trader, a lot less matters to look after.  He already sold 2, preparing the 3rd one to put on market in the Fall.  Meanwhile, the preparation requires renovation and of course $$$$, so he is ready to open a few new credit cards. 哈哈



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