If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to carry guns...

本帖於 2023-06-18 15:43:14 時間, 由普通用戶 hhtt 編輯
回答: 歌曲,舊金山老朽2023-06-18 15:19:53
If you're going to San Francisco
Be sure to carry guns in your belt
If you're going to San Francisco
You're gonna meet a lot of homeless people there
For those who come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a chilly there
In the streets of San Francisco
Homeless people with dirty cloths in their push carts 
All across the nation
Such a strange vibration
Homeless people in motion
There's a whole generation
With a new explanation
Homeless people in motion
Homeless people in motion
For those who come to San Francisco
Be sure to carry guns in your belt
If you come to San Francisco
Summertime will be chilly there
If you come to San Francisco
Summertime will be chilly there


哈哈 -MarkM76- 給 MarkM76 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/18/2023 postreply 16:27:05

Hahaha,my … -NPshowway- 給 NPshowway 發送悄悄話 (24 bytes) () 06/18/2023 postreply 18:54:15

油菜花呀。 -2008VGirl- 給 2008VGirl 發送悄悄話 2008VGirl 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/18/2023 postreply 19:15:45

在舊金山隨身攜槍是違法的 -槍迷球迷- 給 槍迷球迷 發送悄悄話 (60 bytes) () 06/18/2023 postreply 19:19:27

誰會作曲?好歌詞啊。一定會和《加州客棧》一樣出名。 -QinHwang- 給 QinHwang 發送悄悄話 QinHwang 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/19/2023 postreply 06:27:20
