今天收到一個HOA罰款Email, 說是有個家具擺在外麵, 違反了HOA policy, 罰款 $500.00. 並且HOA已經把這個罰款送到了一個討債公司.
我仔細看後, 發現HOA在5/25號給我發了 First Fine Notice, 但我一直沒收到呀, 我去 spam folder 才找到這個 email. 下麵是這個郵件的內容. 另外, 我找了所有的郵件, 也沒發現HOA在5/25號之前送給我任何郵件讓挪去這個家具. 覺得這$500罰得太冤枉了. 還有, 這個郵件裏說是一天罰款$25, 我27號去檢查房屋和從租客那裏拿鑰匙的時候, 這個家具已經不在了, 怎麽會一下子出來個$500的賬單? 請問大家, 有沒有辦法去申訴讓HOA撤回這個罰款呢? 先謝了.
Must remove furniture out front that is marked ( for free ) immediately. Daily fines will be posted if not corrected.
The above ACC violation(s) has/have not been corrected within the designated time frame as stated in Ellison Lake Homeowners Association, Inc. Covenants. Therefore, fines have been assessed at an amount of $25.00 per day until the problem is resolved.
TOTAL FINES: $500.00
To help us in our effort to preserve the atmosphere of the community, we ask for your cooperation in this matter.
Unless you notify the office within 30 days after receiving this notice that you dispute the validity of this debt or any portion thereof, the office will assume this debt is valid. If you notify this office in writing within 30 days from receiving this notice, this office will obtain verification of the debt or obtain a copy of the judgement and mail you a copy of such judgement or verification. This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information will be used for that purpose. (pursuant to 15 USCA 1692)
The burden of proof of receipt will be on the homeowner. It is suggested that communication be sent in writing via Certified Mail or another method showing actual delivery.
Please pay within 30 days or additional fees may occur.