讀fidelity 的文章
You can make contributions to traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and health savings accounts (HSAs) up until the federal tax-?ling deadline, Monday, April 18, 2023, for most 2022 returns. And if you are self-employed or freelance, you can open and contribute to a Simpli?ed Employee Pension plan—more commonly known as a SEP IRA—even if you also have a full-time job as an employee. Good to know: Beginning in tax year 2023, a self-employed, or solo, 401(k) also may be funded past December 31, until the business tax-filing deadline.
我似乎符合 even if you also have a full-time job as an employee 的條件,可以開個SEP IRA 賬戶,懂行的說說我的理解對嗎? 有人做過類似的操作嗎?