因為利息狂升, 各種fixed income(長天期國債, MBS, 公司債...) 狂跌, Schwab賬麵上有很多浮虧, 有倒閉風險. 大家都知道. 你如果在它卷商上有超過50萬的怎麽辦? 我自己決定不轉. 幾個原因.
一, 它通過Lloyd(London)保險到6億.
二, 最近2天SCHW漲回來一些. 它的CEO也講話, 雖然不可全信.
三, 它虧損的是銀行部分. 券商部分的客戶資產它是不能拿來投資的. 見下麵法條.
Rule 15c3- 3 is designed “to give more specific protection to customer funds and securities, in effect forbidding brokers and dealers from using customer assets to finance any part of their businesses unrelated to servicing securities customers.”
There are two main regulations that help protect client assets should a brokerage firm become insolvent: the Net Capital Rule and the Customer Protection Rule. The Net Capital Rule requires that brokerage firms maintain at least a 1:1 ratio of highly liquid assets, such as cash or treasury bills, to liabilities. This ensures that brokerage firms will be able to pay out their liabilities without touching clients’ assets held in brokerage accounts. The Customer Protection Rule mandates that firm assets and customer assets be held in separate accounts. Therefore, if a brokerage firm makes a bad investment, client assets can’t be used to pay the firm’s debts.