the rule of thumb on operating expenses,

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回答: 看上的那個多家庭newleaf20202023-02-12 05:04:00

the rule of thumb on operating expenses, for a hands-free operation, if the complex is older than 30 years, the expenses ratio is 60 (expenses)-40(operating income), if the complex was built within 20 years, 50-50, if within 10 years, 40-60, again this is varied by taxes and insurances, just a ballpark number.

now, this is before any mortgage payments, so if you planning to leverage 500k, your yearly outlay is 30k ish.

so this 8 unit barely breaks even, without reserves, your profit is the principal paydown.

but in long term, you are still gaining, as you can always increase rents, which translates into a better CAP = forced appreciation.


這個信息太好了,有參考價值 -newleaf2020- 給 newleaf2020 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/12/2023 postreply 14:24:06
