老兄,你這個人思路很懶散。你有正常婚姻,head of household是給單親父母的,你為什麽要去用Head of Household?僅僅是因為你老婆沒有ITIN,那麽就去申請啊!因為你不去申請你就糊裏糊塗用head of household,就是花精力把自己的財政混亂,IRS萬一發現了也不認這個情,認為你錯誤了還要改正。
如果ITIN來不及拿不到,等到四月份去申請一個extension of time,你就有六個月的時間準備。https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/extension-of-time-to-file-your-tax-return
但是,extention of time to file doesn't mean extension of time to pay your tax。如果你算好有錢要付,你還是要4/15前把錢交好。
你應該做的是:(1)apply for ITIN for everyone (2) fill out your tax return without ITIN, see if you owe tax or get refund (3) if you owe tax, pay it before 4/15 (4) file extension of time before 4/15 (5) file your tax return with ITIN before 10/15.