I bought 1k tras t-bills at 2/6/2023 showing yield 3.4, 2/15/2023 maturity, price 999.88, but when I paid, it should accured interest 9.57, so I paid 1009.45. How much will I get at 2/15/2023? I read some article said it only returns face value of 1000. Why I have to pay accured interest? will I lose $9?
The same thing happened in CD at TD AmeriTrade, 3.8% from Ally bank, materity date 2/17/2023, 1k, it charged 1000.89+8.86 interest, total 1009.53, when will I get back at 2/17/2023?
I searched online but cannot find info about arrcured interest.
They are all retirement accounts.
It is my first time to buy. Please help me. Thanks a lot.