很多說很多醫生不收Medicare的,大概用的是Medicare Advantage吧
Cannot be far from truth. I would say Obamacare is prone to have this issue. NOT Medicare Advantage.
Medigap的口服藥是Part D支付。目前沒有支付上限,對某些極貴的藥,自付可達上萬甚至更多。Medicare Advantage因為有支付上限,可能會便宜點。
Medicare Plan D 2023 自付上限 is $7400
As has been the case in previous years, the thresholds where a person enters and exits the “donut hole” increased in 2023. We’ll explain this in more detail below, but the short story is that the initial coverage limit increased to $4,660, and the threshold for exiting the donut hole and entering the catastrophic coverage level increased to $7,400.
Dont understand this logic. What diseases covered are determined by Medicare - does not matter what plan you choose. The tricky part is on the Treatments. Medicare does not cover some treatments when lower cost treatments are just as effective.
For example, cataract operation - Laser is not covered. However a good othomologist would tell you there is NO DIFFERENCE or obvious advantage from the Laser option. That was her words almost Verbatim - Laser is used to break up the cataract, it is still ME who manually, surgically, remove those pieces. Medicare covers 100% the traditional procedure. Additional advanced evaluation by euipment before surgery is not covered. This doctor charges $400 for the pre-op examination using specialized equipment. That $400 is not covered. But the $250 Flexi spend $ can be used to pay for that. Facility used to perform the surgery has $40 copay each usage. The whole operation costed 2x $40.
Correct. My long post already said that the premium is determined by the county you live in. You can only get the plans offered within your county. The premium of $200 was told by our friend who we kept thinking his additional premium was too high that he should ask his daughter to go over it. But he insisted his was Advantage Plan he had. He said it was directly switched from the work coverage to Medicare Advantage (years ago and he never looked back or looked into details).
May be his is a ppo that I am not sure. To me, ppo does not offer advantage over hmo - key is to carefully choose your PCP and then your specialists.
Another friend in Chicago also pays $200+ prem a month. They (both husband and wife) do not want to change their plan.
Totally agree!
But hhtt first reply was to question me whether I was an agent - as if anybody gives information "for free" must have some hidden agenda - typical Chinese thought process.