there are two options:

來源: borisg 2020-01-20 14:09:44 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (863 bytes)
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回答: whoever did this roof is shit...borisg2020-01-20 14:05:57

the roof deck was not installed correctly. It's too close to the facia board. The lower edge of the roof should extend a little further so that the water will go to the gutter. This one is too close so when the shingle was installed last time the guy tried to extended down. However this made things even worse because the lower edge of the shingles is loose that allows water to go through it. 

The second mistake was the drip edge was not installed or not installed correctly.

At this moment the the lowest row of roof plywood deck is probable gone.

You can have the option to either replace the lower part of the roof (deck and shingles) or the whole side. Some rafters may need reinforced (I don't think you have to replace them) and all the facia boards need replacement.



波大, 中文說一便?那個方案最簡單省錢?謝謝了。 -keeplooking- 給 keeplooking 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/20/2020 postreply 14:17:57

這裏的房子同中國的建法不同。翻譯成中文誰懂啊。如果沒人懂,翻譯成中文有什麽意義。 -PtLandlord- 給 PtLandlord 發送悄悄話 (72 bytes) () 01/20/2020 postreply 16:10:45

你需要揭開看。該換什麽換什麽。不能隻想省錢。 -PtLandlord- 給 PtLandlord 發送悄悄話 (82 bytes) () 01/20/2020 postreply 16:19:01

這個原來沒有gutter.波大再仔細看看。 -susan_xv- 給 susan_xv 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/20/2020 postreply 19:34:38
