MIDWAY 2019, a must to see

來源: TJKCB 2021-02-03 20:56:20 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (146265 bytes)

my notes: 23 years ago, JD told me this movie is a must to see. I didn't get chance until now! Wow, starting from December 7, 1941, when Japs bombed the Pearle Harbor "Japs deliberately attacked  

I recognized 2-star general (lieutenant General) Woody Harrelson, who was in Doc Hollywood , which is a 1991 American romantic comedy film, starring: 

As a Michael J. Fox vehicle, this film shows off the actor's masterful comic timing, but even he can't overcome the unlikability of the arrogant central character he plays. Full review
Back to this movie, audience did not like it, because of the following (I didn't know until I read it):
Wasted my time watching this movie ,too many cut scenes
Johnny Andrews
Don't waste your time, movie skips/edited.
Steve Bivens
Worthless - chopped, edited and unwatchable
hot mechanic
"MIDWAY" unwatchable due to editing
Joseph Pagaduan
many cutsssss!!!

The Lady Jai Project
hacked to pieces, no sub title... don''t watch this, get the full movie


MIDWAY 2019 


jessica alenna


hello friends, the film above is very good, you should see it immediately I suggest a site to watch here: starmovies2021.blogspot.com/ a complete site to watch the latest movies, all the latest films from around the world are available here. I want to share with my friends who are fans of the film. Happy watching. салам достор, жогорудагы тасма абдан жакшы, тезинен к?р?ш???з керек Мен бул жерде к?р? турган сайтты сунуштайм: starmovies2021.blogspot.com/ акыркы тасмаларды к?р?? ?ч?н толук сайт, д?йн? ж?з?нд?г? бардык акыркы фильмдер бул жерде. Мен тасманын к?й?рмандары болгон досторум менен б?л?шк?м келет.Бактылуу болгула.
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MIDWAY (2021) ? f'u"l'l M'o'V'i"E ? Watch Now ? CinemArt-flixastream.blogspot.com All Subtitle ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Leurs états de santé respectifs les empechent de s'approcher trop pres l'un de l'autre.?? todos los subtítulos Tessa se encuentra luchando con su complicada relación con Hardin; se enfrenta a un dilema que podría cambiar sus vidas para siempre ok9si9u8wy7uwnwerwteyr
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