請問我哪個地方邏輯不通:哪些聲稱不符合事實?指出來好嗎? 如你是你是指


he'd often been warned about people dressing in fake uniforms to extract money from backpackers,” 這些並沒有表示(連隱含都沒有)"希臘經常有人冒充警察敲詐搶劫外國人", 你不信你給BBC發個email確認一下"?

那還是你的錯,你不看原文,這句話是有上下問聯係的,當然是指的希臘。 你不看原文就妄加評論不覺得好笑嗎? 正因為他被經常警告有人冒充警察,那位韓國人一開始不能確定他們就是真的警察,所以在他們打他時他確定遇到罪犯了,隻是到了警察局後他才意識到他們是真的警察,他被捕了。他並說了他理解在他要警察證件時打他,但不理解為啥到了警察局還幾次打他。下麵給給你copy 一下相關的上下文:

Greece was the 16th stop in his two-year-long round-the-world trip and he'd often been warned about people dressing in fake uniforms to extract money from backpackers, so while he handed over his passport he also asked the man to show him his police ID.

Instead, Jung says, he received a punch in the face.

Within seconds, the uniformed man and his plainclothes partner - the man who had first approached Jung - had him down on the ground and were kicking him, according to the Korean.

In shock, Jung was by now convinced he was being mugged by criminals and began shouting for help from passers-by.

"I was very scared," he says.

It was only when he was handcuffed and dragged 500m (500 yards) up the road to the nearest police station that he realised he was actually under arrest.

Jung says that outside the station the uniformed officer, without any kind of warning, turned on him again, hitting him in the face.

"There were members of the public who saw what happened, like the man who works in the shop opposite the police station, but they were too afraid to help me," he says.

Inside the police station, Jung says he was attacked a third time in the stairwell where there were no people or cameras.

"I can understand them asking me for ID and I even understand that there may have been a case to justify them hitting me in the first instance. But why did they continue beating me after I was handcuffed?" he asks.

