
來源: 馮墟 2023-01-24 20:36:19 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (960 bytes)
回答: 有教無類 3.2dhyang_wxc2023-01-21 15:33:19

可能直接讀英語還容易懂一些。In the midst of a gentle rain while these thoughts prevailed, I was suddenly sensible of such sweet and beneficent society in Nature, in the very pattering of the drops, and in every sound and sight around my house, an infinite and unaccountable friendliness all at once like an atmosphere sustaining me, as made the fancied advantages of human neighborhood insignificant, and I have never thought of them since. Every little pine needle expanded and swelled with sympathy and befriended me. I was so distinctly made aware of the presence of something kindred to me, even in scenes which we are accustomed to call wild and dreary, and also that the nearest of blood to me and humanest was not a person nor a villager, that I thought no place could ever be strange to me again.


馮兄露麵啦。kindred,老子說,既得其母,以知其子;既知其子,複守其母。自然與人,一母雙生。程顥說天人不二。 -dhyang_wxc- 給 dhyang_wxc 發送悄悄話 dhyang_wxc 的博客首頁 (396 bytes) () 01/25/2023 postreply 06:46:58

要是按照道德經,道生一,。。。,三生萬物。萬物同母,無為萬物之母。無,又是佛學中的關鍵。 -馮墟- 給 馮墟 發送悄悄話 馮墟 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/25/2023 postreply 14:44:35

其實“生”,新生創生,是個最主要的關鍵。從對“生”的闡述,可以析別各家深淺。 -dhyang_wxc- 給 dhyang_wxc 發送悄悄話 dhyang_wxc 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/26/2023 postreply 07:38:12
