The personal characters and qualities are often what is consistent through the consistent or inconsistent views of an individual over time. You can't really tell if a person truly loves China or US by his surface comments.
A few days ago, I put up my post about 大型粒子對撞機 in 時壇 , merely because I used the term 臺裔 in one single place, it was enough for a number of 愛中國者 to decide that I must come from Tai wan and I must deny my Chineseness, and to throw insulting comments at me. ... And the contents of my whole post was "overlooked".
這對我也是一個提醒,不要以為大陸人、臺灣人可以以政治觀點分出高下賢愚。狹隘、愚昧的人全球一致。換個政治屬性不同的地區生活,他們完全會成為自己的對立麵。但因狹隘而作出愚蠢的判斷這個特點不會變: 我遇到的那幾個"愛中國者"跟在臺灣去中國化者是同一類人,事實上,他們因互相討厭而互相促成。而現在的文化自卑者,回到唐宋,就會特別自大而看不起那時的西方人。