
回答: 你為啥憤怒-----獻給邏輯的打油詩stonebench2021-09-12 07:47:08

But this isn't always true: 

變直線,它就不知所措了。變兩根,就完全不知所措了。 。。

Logic can make meaningful progress in attempt to transcend itself. You can see this in pure math and fundamental physics. It is just that most people are neither motivated nor patient enough to learn more about them. In fact mathematicians and physicists hardly talk about "logic", they just do math as math, physics as physics.  Then new understandings in logic are naturally there. For instance, discoveries in quantum mechanics force one to rethink about the logic of matter, especially with its starting point. Basically mathematicians and physicists can live just fine without an isolated discipline called "logic". Somehow apparently methodology in sciences less fundamental than physics, say biology or medicine, has stayed in Newton's time. Maybe it is because old logic is sufficient for these studies. I remember some renowned biologist made this confession a number of years ago. He said physicists had left biologists behind by far, but the biologists were not even aware of it.



