1, There are only two paths in this HK event, either 民族虛榮 or 民族正義 ? A person of either or neither can agree or disagree with the protestors.
2, '如果你依然相信土共的宣傳,隻能說你圖樣圖森破,有時還有些愚蠢。'
But most of us live in the west whose media are hardly in accordance with China's. Funny enough, just these past few days a good friend of mine (who came to US in a very young age from Asia) kept providing me with anti-china videos from sources like FLG to the point that I was highly irritated. I wonder who is more brainwashed by whose government.
3, "對北京和港府的蠻橫邪惡視而不見"
Beijing has been in inaction so far, and HK government seems passive if not timid. Where are the 蠻橫邪惡? If one believes there are secretive actions involved, the observation 4 below demonstrate s that those secretive actions are at least not so 邪惡 .
4, " 隻關注香港年輕人的過激與錯誤,同時無視港警的過激與錯誤。"
A basic fact: five months into the protest or riot as you like to call it, no death. Both the protesters and the police are amazingly good especially by western standard. Existence of a few Exception s is normal, and this is why I still hesitate o call the protesters "rioters" even after some bystander had been set on fire purposely by some "protestor" two or three days ago.
5, I don't like communism either, but one shouldn't let ones aversion to communism eclipse or overpower ones aversion to colonialism. And the lasting after effects of colonialism is a part of colonialism. Communism is a beast, but colonialism is a crime, a very evil one as recognized universally 8 today' s world.
6, There is a difference btw 虛榮 and 自尊。