All viruses are species-specify, so human viruses usually only infect human, and cow viruses target cows. But in some rare cases, they can cross species boundary and infect others. It happened that cowpox is such an exception, it can also infect human but the with reduced virulence. Since it is a close relative to smallpox, the human version of the same virus, it will trigger immune response in human and the antibodies generated by cowpox can effectively protect human against smallpox.
Once you understand how it works, it is easy to figure out what to do.
In this case, both are doing the same except Western way is more
sounds like mad cow virus
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11/18/2013 postreply
Mad cow virus is a different kind of virus.
(429 bytes)
11/18/2013 postreply
you r deadlu wrong. There is only donkey version here on earth,
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11/18/2013 postreply